4th Annual
Farm, Ranch and Equipment
Consignment Auction
Date & Time:
April 2, 2016 at 10:00 AM
195 Glossip Ave.
Highlandville (CRS) Sale Barn
Highlandville, MO 65669
Directions: From Springfield, MO come south on Hwy 160 (South Campbell) thru Nixa to Highlandville. Turn west at stop light in front of Shell station, take immediate left onto outer road Glossip Ave.
Sale is on right, look for Essick Auction signs.
Now accepting consignors for
Farm, Ranch & Equipment
Check back often for newly consigned items!
- 2000 John Deere 6310 tractor, 640 loader, w/canopy, bale spike & bucket, 2wd, 99hp, 5000+ hrs.
- John Deere 2950 cab tractor; quad range; shows 4200 hrs.; new tires; 540 or 1000 PTO
- International 504 diesel tractor; great rubber; good shape
- Massey Ferguson 245 diesel tractor, canopy, 3200 hrs. fluid in tires
- 2000 Massey Ferguson 1240 diesel w/Bush Hog M246 loader; 4WD; turf tires
- 1961 Massey Ferguson 203 industrial tractor w/105 loader
Hay Equipment:
- John Deere 935 MoCo discbine; 11’6” cut; hay ready
- Case International 8312 discbine; alternating swing; good shape; shedded
- John Deere 535 round baler; net wrap; always shedded
- 2 - John Deere side delivery rakes; model 671 & 660; both dolly wheels
- Vermeer R-23 twin rake
- New Holland 163 hay tedder; digi drive; 16’5” width; excellent condition
- New Holland HT 152 hay rake; hydraulic bifold; 8-wheel
- 1989 New Holland 850 round baler; works good
- New Holland round baler
- 1995 Boss 6’8” x 20’ gooseneck stock trailer; great condition; new brakes; fiberglass floor
- 16’ Calico bumper pull stock trailer
- 2004 16’ flatbed trailer w/ side ramps & weed eater racks (heavy duty)
- Belshe 12’ industrial equipment tilt trailer
- 16’ utility trailer
- 2007 Built Wright 12’ utility trailer
- Rawhide 16’ gooseneck stock trailer
- 10' Cargo Craft box trailer; excellent condition
- 20' Gooseneck brand stock trailer
- 2000 Toyota 4 Runner; 250k miles; good condition
- 1997 Chevy Venture mini van; 232k miles; runs good; interior good; ac not working
- 1992 Ford Ranger; long bed; cold air; 2 WD; 162k miles; runs great!
- 1985 International S1600 dump truck; 10’ bed
- Kawasaki Praire 300 4-wheeler; 2 wd; automatic; new tires; slick
- 17’ Flat bottom boat
- 1964 Ford pickup
Farm Supplies/Equipment:
- Lilliston 9670 9' no till drill; 3 bin; never had fertilizer; 7" center
- Timberwolf GW5 industrial log splitter; electric start; Kohler engine; auto cycle; log lift; brand new hydraulic cooler; hydraulic adjustable 4 way knife
- Woods DS 96 bush hog; 8’; 3pt.; excellent cond.
- Woods model 121; 10’ pull type bush hog
- Woods HD315 batwing bush hog; 15’
- 1 – 6’ bush hog
- 2 – 5’ bush hogs
- Schaben 200 gal. boomless sprayer; on skids w/motor
- Sure Weigh cattle scale; slide bar
- Preifert automatic head gate
- John Deere 3pt. hydraulic post driver
- 3 pt. auger
- 6' box blades
- 4 cart
- 22 ton 3pt. log splitter, hardly used
- 3pt. carryall
- Pipe stand
- 2 – Torch racks
- Priefert roping chute (tentative)
- 30 - 12' portable corral panels
- 10 - 16' hanging gates
Tools & Misc:
- Brand new Victor torch set w/ large cylinders
- Harris torch set w/large cylinders & cart
- Several pallets of adjustable metal shelving
- 60 gal. compressor; Debellis charge air pro; 6 ½ HP; 220
- Stihl HT 100 pole saw
- Lots of good woodworking tools including: Dewalt, Makita, Skil, etc. too many to list!
- 2 – Aluminum dog boxes
- Electric gigging lights on rack
- Several misc. power & carpenter tools
- 10’x10’ chain link dog pen
- 2 - Padded bar stools
- Several marbles
- Walther P22 pistol; semi-auto
- 3 - Hertiage single action revolvers; .22 cal.; 2 cylinders
- S&W 9mm semi-auto; NIB
- Taurus 9mm semi-auto; NIB
- Remington 30-06 bolt action; w/scope; synthetic stalk; NIB
- Savage .22 cal rifle; semi-auto
- Savage 17 Super B w/scope
- 4 boxes of .17 ammo
- Misc. ammo
- Browning gun safe
Check back often for an updated listing and pictures of consigned items!
Consignments coming in right up until sale day!
Concessions & Restrooms Available on site.
Auction Terms: Cash & Checks ONLY; large ticket items may be held until check clears. Bank letter of credit required addressed to Essick Auction Service dated
April 2, 2016 only. Announcements on sale day take precedence over any printed materials. Not responsible for accidents, lost or stolen articles on or near sale site. Essick Auction can't guarantee items to be present day of sale.