Estate Auction
Friday, September 17th at 10 AM
850 Ranch Estate Dr.
Highlandville, MO 65669
Directions: From Hwy 160 in Highlandville head west on O Hwy and go .1 miles to Glossip Ave., turn left. Follow to Ranch Estates Rd., turn right and follow .8 miles to auction! Look for Essick Auction Signs!
Thomas & Jenney Gammon
- Kubota BX 2360 utility tractor w/LA243 front end loader, 4WD, hydrostat trans, 220 hrs.
- 2013 Ford Escape SE, power windows/locks, 1.6L motor, 109k miles
- Land Pride 5’ angle blade
- 3 pt. tractor trailer hitch
- F9R semi auto 9MM, Parabellum, made BFEG Hungry, #53093
- Bersa Thunder semi auto 380, #922768
- Savage/Stevens mod. 73Y single shot .22 cal w/scope, #90404
- Custom .270 WBY Mauser rifle, bolt action w/Tasco scope, #N5773
- Winchester Mod. 94 Lever Action 30-30, #3079132
- Traditions 44 cal. Cap & ball revolver, R305835
- 54 cal. Sharps rolling block paper cartridge gun, percussion cap, #40799
- Pedersoli 10-gauge double barrel percussion cap, never fired
- Colt percussion cap 44 revolver, #346775
- Custom made Gun chest
- Contemporary handmade gold lutz marbles, European handmade glass, avg. size 1 1/2 “
- Scaffolding – 55 x 5 end frames, 36x5 end frames, 10 cross braces, 4 aluminum walk planks, 4 aluminum & plywood walk planks
- Rear tine tiller
- Whirlpool fridge
- Small Frigidaire fridge
- 6’ kitchen table & chairs
- Full size day bed w/book shelf
- Chest of drawers
- Outdoor tile top table & chairs
- Several outdoor chairs
- Electric recliner
- Brown leather love seat
- 5’x7’ area rug
- Buffet cabinets
- Rocker chair
- Floral chair
- Industrial duty singer sewing machine
- Several end tables and side tables, some antique
- Several lamps
- Book shelves
- Several pieces of artwork & pictures
- Large Tony Stewart Nascar collection of figurines, pictures, jacket, hats, etc. Several pieces autographed
- Several large buffet cabinets
- Navy recruiting posters from WWI
- #3 crock, #2 crock, crock bowls & jugs
- Floral sleeper sofa
- Nordic Track treadmill w/new belt
- Life trainer total body trainer
- Nordic Track SL 700 stationary bike
- Fabreware toaster oven
- Yamaha RX-V663 surround sound system
- 2 large planting pots
- Bird bath
- Plants stands
- Outdoor table & bench
- Twin trundle bed
- Trex 10 spd. Bike
Auction Terms: Cash, Check, CC (3.5% fee) announcements made on sale day will take precedence over any other printed materials. Not responsible for accidents, lost or stolen articles on or near the sale site. Hand guns sold to in-state (Missouri) buyers only!