Estate Auction
Saturday, April 16th at 10 AM
Address: 4203 E. State Hwy AA Springfield, MO 65803
Directions: From Hwy 65/I-44 jct. in North Springfield head North on Hwy 65. Follow Hwy 65 for 2 miles, turn left onto Farm Rd. 94 take immediate right onto N. FR 185. Follow 1.5 miles to E. State Hwy AA and turn right. Follow .5 miles to auction on left. Look for Essick Auction Signs!
Owners: Dorothy Ross & the late Robert “Bob” Ross
Online bidding available at for Vehicles/Mower/Tractor & Thomas Kinkade painting only!
Vehicles, Mower, Tractor: Sell at 12 PM!
- 2016 Chevy Impala LTZ V6 4 door sedan, burgundy, gray leather interior, navigation, Bluetooth, backup camera, traffic monitoring sensors, Bose speakers, power everything, heated and cooled seats, ALL the bells and whistles! Super slick! Just 32,550 miles, VIN# 1G1145S37GU155721!
- 1931 Model A Ford Sedan, two toned burgundy & black, vinyl black top, yellow wire wheels, butterfly hood, Ford step plates, rear mounted spare tire, slick antique car! Shows 21,456 miles, VIN # 4058834
- 2021 Snapper zero turn mower, only 5.5 hrs., w/Kawasaki 21.5 HP motor, 42” cut, Like New!
- International cub tractor w/side sickle mower, disc & digger set, bottom plow, front blade, does run
Ford pick up bed trailer w/racks, HAS TITLE
- 3 – antique well pumps – F.E. Myers & Bro, Dempster Mill & Mast & Foos Co.
- Antique dinner bell #3
- Antique wooden wheel barrels
- Antique cast iron crock
- Antique cream cans
- Antique hay knife, buck saw, crosscut saw, well bucket
- Antique 53” steel wagon wheels
- Antique wagon seat bench
- Several antique garden plows
- Antique corn planter
- Antique wooden ladders
- Antique McCormich Deering cream separator
- Dazey butter churn
- Antique canister set
- Antique Royal Crown thermometer
- Galvanized wash tubs
- 2 – antique moving dollies
- Antique push mower (Peerless)
- 16’ & 24’ aluminum ext. ladders
- Misc. single & double trees
- 2 sets of old harnesses
- Misc. horse tack
- 2 – stock tank heaters
- Lincoln Arc welder (copper)
- Handlan St. Louis railroad lamp
- Dunlap 24” lathe
- Craftsman 10” bandsaw
- Heavy duty bench vise
- Mini anvil vise
- Misc. hand saws
- Craftsman & Kmart 5” bench grinder
- Craftsman scroll saw
- Craftsman 12 gal. air compressor
- Lots of misc. power tools
- Lots of misc. shop hand tools (wrenches, sockets, etc.)
- Craftsman belt/disc sander
- Several misc. yard tools
- Squirrel cage fan
- Jonsered 525 chainsaw
- 2 – 6’ aluminum step ladders
- Misc. tire chains
- Portable air tank
- Several used T posts
- Misc. bar clamps
Thomas Kinkade Painting/Furniture/Household:
- Thomas Kinkade Hand Highlighted Painting “A perfect Summer Day” #1956 out of 2950, 18” x 27” w/frame
- 7’ gray couch
- Gray chair
- Navy recliner
- Queen bedframe, dresser, chest, dark wood, heavy
- Queen metal bedframe
- Several small end tables & 2 coffee tables
- Several misc. cabinets/hutches
- Solid walnut dining table
- Vintage yellow table & 4 chairs
- 2 large area rugs, 8’x11’ & 8’x10’
- Large set of white “Lovelace” china
- Lots of misc. pots, pans, glassware, dishes, utensils & more!
- Brass mirror, horse, & carriage décor
- Stereos
- 2 – model antique cars
- 3 - vacuums, Dyson & more!
- Souvenir spoons collection w/wooden rack
- Cowboy hat, XL
- Boots, 10 ½
- Large lot of porcelain dolls
- Vintage Barbies
- Iron outdoor table & chairs
- Lots of glassware, figurines, artwork, pictures, misc. household!
Too much to list!
Auction Terms: Cash/Check & CC accepted (3.5% fee). Announcements made on sale day will take precedence over any other printed materials. Not responsible for accidents, lost or stolen articles on or near sale site. All items sold as is/where is. Large ticket items may be held until checks clear! 10% buyer’s premium for online (Hibid) bidders ONLY. Bank letter of credit addressed to Essick Auction & Realty required for all bids above $10,000.