Saturday March 8, 2014
10:00 AM
Address: 2293 Nightshade Blvd. Galena, MO
Owner: Mike Essary
Directions: Take 413/265 West out of Galena approximately 5 miles to Elsey. Turn West on Hwy FF follow approx. 2 miles to Nightshade Rd. turn right. Follow ¼ mile to sale on right. Look for Essick Auction Sale Signs!
(Across from DLJ machinery)
∙ 2002 Red Ford F-150, 2WD, 227K miles, V6, automatic, good tires
∙ 1995 Jeep Wrangler, 4x4, 5 speed, 4 cyl, 205k miles, soft top
∙ Yanmar YM 1700 diesel tractor
∙ 14’ Gooseneck horse trailer, new 10 ply tires
∙ Kawasaki Bayou 300 4 wheeler
∙ 42” Cub Cadet riding mower
∙ Browning Gold Hunter 12 gauge, 3”- 3 ½”, 24” barrel w/box
∙ UMC 2, 1970 T-2601 Bolt Action 22 w/ clip & tasco scope
∙ Thompson Encore 7MM mag, Leupold 4x12 scope, bull barrel
∙ Stevens Model 512 Goldwing, over/under , 12 gauge, 3” chamber w/ box
∙ Marlin Model 882 bolt action .22 cal w/ bushnell scope & clip
∙ Glenfield Model 10, .22 cal S-L-LR single shot
∙ Misc. ammo & gun cleaning kits
Misc. Farm equipment:
∙ 6’ angle blade
∙ Tire field drag
∙ 6’ field roller (liquid filled)
∙ used barn tin – several pieces
∙ 4’ King Kutter brush hog
∙ 3 pt. harrow
∙ 3 pt. carryall
∙ 8 portable panels (heavy)
∙ 1 roll Red brand barbwire, 4 partial rolls goucho wire
∙ 6’ x 10’ chain link dog panels
∙ 8 hole dodge dually wheels & simulators
∙ 1 set 275/65/20 10 ply tires
∙ John Deere yard trailer
∙ Fence strechers
∙ 25 gal. Sprayer
∙ Polaris Ranger tire & wheels (NEW), 489’s, 2-25x10-12, 2-25x11-12
Misc. Tools/ Shop Items:
∙ Miller millermatic 250 cvdc wire welder
∙ Radnor 250 amp mig welder gun (NEW)
∙ 5500 watt generator
∙ MQ 3600 watt generator 110/220
∙ Clarke 80E 110 volt welder on cart
∙ Portable cutting torches
∙ Makita 14” metal chop saw
∙ 10” table saw
∙ Steel saw horses
∙ Dewalt grinder & drill
∙ Dewalt cordless drills
∙ Globe model 300 gravity feed meat slicer
∙ Several gas cans
∙ Several hand tools
∙ Air tools
∙ 2 creepers
∙ Troy Built tiller
∙ Black & Decker bench grinder
∙ Stihl 021 chainsaw
∙ Stihl 361 chainsaw
∙ Stihl 19 T chainsaw
∙ Stihl BG 55 leaf blower
∙ Several floor jacks
∙ Misc. battery chargers
∙ Misc. camping supplies
∙ Aluminum ATV ramps
∙ Fifth wheel hitch
∙ Reese hitch
∙ Several tomato cages
∙ 1 lot of misc. pipe
∙ 24’ aluminum extension ladder
∙ 10’ fiber glass ladder
∙ Misc. step ladders
∙ Misc. tack
∙ Pony saddle
∙ 4’x8’ several thermo sheets sheathing
∙ Wicker furniture
∙ Dog crates
∙ Several misc. yard & garden tools
∙ misc. aluminum windows
∙ Smoker on trailer
∙ Brinkmann gas grill
∙ Anvil
∙ Misc. coolers
∙ Chest type freezer
∙ Several misc. rods & reels, ambassodor reels, fishing tackle, etc.
∙ 15 lb propane bottles
∙ Emerson microwave
∙ Senco stapler
∙ Mountaineer wood stove
∙ Aluminum reese hitch carrier
Many Misc. items and tools not listed!
Auction Terms: Cash or Check Only; Announcements made on sale day will take precedence over any other printed materials. Not responsible for accidents, lost or stolen articles on or near sale site.