AT 9:30 AM
Owners: Donna Hood & the late Jim Hood
Address: 16315 Hwy 14 Marionville, MO 65705
Directions: Located between Billings & Marionville on Hwy 14! From Hwy 60 & 14 in Marionville go North on Hwy 14 approx. 3 miles to sale on left.
Look for Essick Auction Signs!
Auctioneer’s Notes: Jim & Donna Hood owned a trucking company for several years and have a lot of great tools, parts, farm equipment, shop items & guns from their 55 years together!
Guns will be held off site until day of sale! Make sure you don’t miss this auction!
- 2016 Intimidator 4x4 UTV, power steering, windshield & roof cover, 800 CC, kept in garage, like new, never been drove off property, bench seat! Steel dump bed, 95 miles/49 hrs.
- Long LandTrac 390 HST tractor w/5140M front end loader; Long model 4008 backhoe attachment, 765 hrs., 4x4, hydrostat transmission
- 2013 Bad Boy zero turn mower; Elite series, 48” cut; Kawasaki motor, 726CC, 324Hrs; elec. deck lift
- 18’ bumper pull flatbed trailer (heavy); dovetail w/ramps; 9k lb elect. winch; 3k lb axles
- 2000 Mazda b3000 V6 truck, clean, 4 dr. 2WD, good rubber, bedliner, 97k miles
- 6’ Bush Hog SQ172 bushhog, like new!
- Fimco 40 gal. 3 pt. boom sprayer
- Pallet fork attachments for front end loader
- 2012 Ford pickup bed divider
- 3pt broadcast seeder – Herd model 96
- 6’ 3pt. rotary tiller
- Camper shell for full size truck – long bed
- Yard roller
- 300 gal. fuel tank w/stand
- 3 - push mowers, Craftsman & Murry, like new
- Approx.. 9 – 12’ portable panels w/bow gate
- Several misc. panels & gates
- Large round bale feeder
- 3pt. auger
- Tilkin Chaumont 1856 Tower musket rifle
- Winchester mod. 06 pump .22 S,L,LR
- Antonio Zoli .58 cal. Black powder gun
- Belgium JB 1312 cast steel dbl barrel shotgun
- XLCR single shot shotgun
- Remington mod. 510 target master; single shot .22
- Mossin 762 military; bolt action
- Marlin mod. 200 single shot 12 ga.
- Mossberg mod. 88 pump 12 ga.
- Marlin Mod. 70P; “papoose”
- Ithaca mod. 37 pump 12 ga.; full choke
- Remington Revelation 310 AR pump 12 ga.; ventilated rib barrel
- Coast to Coast master mag; pump 20 ga.; mod. CC880
- Remington game master mod. 760 pump 270; w/bushnell 3x9 scope
- Remington mod. 7400; semi auto .243
- Remington mod. 742 woodsmaster; semi auto; 30-06; w/Tasco 3x9 scope
- JC Higgins mod. 25; semi-auto .22
- Marlin mod. 62; lever action; .30 cal. carbine
- Marlin mod. 57M; lever action .22 mag.
- Remington game master mod. 760 pump 30-06
- J Stevens dbl barrel 12 ga.
- Amadeo Rossi dbl barrel 12 ga.
- Universal M1 30 cal. Semi auto
- Arminius HW7; 2 – cylinders, .22 mag. & .22 LR Revolver; 8 shot dbl action
Tools/Shop & Farm Equipment:
- Husqvarna 141 chainsaw
- 1 ¼” - 2” box/open end wrench set
- Matco wrenches
- Craftsman socket/wrench set
- Craftsman Tap & die set
- ¾” SK torque wrench
- Several semi-tire valve stems
- Large Snap On roll around tool boxes
- Parts washer
- Mac compression test kit
- Stinger bushing driver set
- Misc. roll around shop carts
- Lots of misc. gear pullers, tap & die sets, etc.
- Lots of misc. air tools,
- Hobart handler 140 wire feed welder
- Misc. tires & wheels
- Lots of misc. Snap On, Craftsman, SK & Mac wrenches, hand tools, too many to list!!!
- 20’ alum. Ext ladder
- 8’ fiberglass step ladder
- Large transmission floor jack
- New in box auto darkening welder helmet
- Lots of ¾” impact sockets
- 42” SK torque wrench
- Amrox 4 - ton body jack
- Craftsman 10” radial arm saw
- Continental 30 ton shop press
- Transmission jack
- American 3577 wheel dolly
- Continental 2 - ton engine hoist
- Yard machines rear tine tiller
- Several misc. 55 gal. drums
- AC Delco engine stand
- Milwaukee 14” cut off saw
- Werner 28’ fiberglass ext. ladder
- Set of Victor torches
- Hi Flo pressure washer w/Honda motor
- Misc. truck & semi parts
- HyFlo diesel heater
- Lincoln weldan power G8000, ACDC welder/generator
- Husky 80 gal. upright compressor, 240 volt
- 60 gal. air reservoir tank
- 5’x3’ steel welding table, 3’x11’ steel welding table
- 110k BTU Reddy heater
- Lots of air floor jacks & jack stands
- Lincoln wiremattic 250 wire feed welder w/gas bottle
- Craftsman Sears welder, 230 amp
- Bench vice
- King bench grinder on stand
- Misc. nut & bolt bins
- Older pellet stove
- Fillrite 15GPM fuel pump
- Stihl KM90 pole saw
- Kerosene heaters
- Older Dewalt radial arm saw
- Lots of misc. heavy duty trailer straps
- Dewalt Sawzall
- Craftsman 22” string trimmer, like new
- Lots of misc. yard tools
- Lasko heater
- Ryobi cordless tool set
- Speed aire air compressor
- 7 gal. air tank
- Stihl BG50 leaf blower like new
- 1 case of starter fluid
- gas & oxygen bottles
- 3 cases of grease
- Several pieces of 6” well casing pipe
- Misc. tool boxes
- Lots of misc. scrap metal
- Semi trailer tarps
- 2 - Surge milkers
- Lots of misc. fencing supplies, booms, chains, T posts, etc.
- Hudson commercial backpack sprayer
- Large lot of new & used shop metal
- Central Pneumatic 21 gal. air compressor
- Agrifab yard sweeper & yard cart
- Dog house
- Alum. ATV ramps
- Large lot of wire shelving panels
- Worx battery powered weed eater
- Lots of wire shelving
- Yard aerator (has split)
- Antique stations
Household & Furniture:
- California King bed frame w/8 drawers, like new!
- Kenmore upright freezer
- Charbroil infared grill, new
- Misc. household figurines
- Sewing machine in desk
- 4 – 8’ lifetime tables
- Several “lifetime” chairs
- 4 nice leather bottom bar stools; 27”
- Misc. glassware & dishes
- Lots of misc. chicken décor, tea pots, candle holders, etc.
- Microwave cabinet
- Silver tea set
- China set
- Harp back antique chairs
- Misc. antique glassware
- 2 - Burgandy chairs
- Floral couch
- Misc. medical equipment, roller walkers, etc.
- Lots of misc. antique lamps
- Misc. end tables & coffee tables
- Misc. oil lamps
- 69’ Packard Bell record player & radio
- Dining table w/leaf & 6 leather roll around chairs
- Brass candle holders
- 2 outdoor glass top tables (small)
- Way to much to list! Don’t miss this auction!
Auction Terms: Cash or check only. Announcements made on sale day will take precedence over any other printed materials. Not responsible for accidents, lost or stolen articles on or near sale site.