Personal Property Auction
Saturday, November 9th at 10 AM
Address: 2887 E. Hines St. Republic, MO 65738
Directions: From Rt. 60 in Republic turn east on Hines St. (Walgreens) go 1.6 miles to sale on left. Look for Essick Auction Signs!
Owners: Gregg & Patricia Gregory
- Allis-Chalmers 160 tractor, 40HP, Perkins motor, rear remotes, great rubber, runs great, shedded, shows 5100 hrs, hr. meter doesn’t work
- Kubota BX 2200 tractor, 4WD, power steering, 60” mowing deck, 1014 hrs., hydrostat, PTO
- Craftsman riding mower, 42” cut, runs good
- Bolens riding mower, 38” cut, runs good
- 1988 Dodge pickup, ½ ton, 225k miles, automatic, runs good, good rubber
- 1980 Ford F-150, 4 spd., 200k miles, 300-6 cyl motor, 4WD, been sitting
- 6’ – 3pt. King cutter bushhog
- Fimco 25 gal. sprayer
- 3 pt. bale spike/carryall
- 4’ poly yard roller
- Smith & Wesson M & P9 shield, semi auto, 9mm pistol
- Walther CCP 9mm, semi auto pistol
- Heritage Rough Rider .22 revolver, 4.75” barrel, NIB
- Heritage Rough Rider .22 revolver, 6.5” barrel, NIB
- Savage bolt action 17 HMR, bull barrel, model 93R17 w/3x9 Tasco scope
- Browning semi auto .22 LR, take down, Japan
- Tristar Setter, over/under, 20-gauge, screw in chokes
- Ruger Mark 3, target model, semi auto .22 pistol, NIB
- Ruger EC9 semi auto 9MM pistol, NIB
- Taurus 38 special + P revolver, NIB
- Charter Arms Goldfinger 38 special revolver
- Whitetail Classic compound bow, left-handed 60#, 30” draw
- PSE Elite compound bow, left-handed 55 -70#, w/quiver & sights
- Bear compound bow, right-handed, w/quiver & sights
Farm Items/Tools:
- 2 – 300 gal. propane tanks, good shape
- 8’ portable chicken house w/5 nesting boxes
- 4 nesting boxes
- 2 square & 2 round galvanized chicken feeders & waterers
- 60 gal. fuel tank
- Misc. spraying chemicals (2-4-D, etc.)
- Rubbermaid stock tank
- Misc. gates
- 10’ diameter galv. Stock tank
- Live trap
- Lots of T-posts & fencing supplies
- Approx. 35 sheets of 40’x40’ 1“plywood
- Lots of misc. 1” x red oak boards
- Lots of misc. lumber
- Several old wooden doors
- 2 wheelbarrows
- Milwaukee Sawzall
- Lots of misc. electrical & plumbing
- 200’ fish tape
- Metric impact set
- Lots of misc. hand tools & drill bits
- 5 gal. fibered roof coating
- 9 gal. of Sherwin Williams ext. paint, never opened
- Several wooden windows
- Craftsman 10” table saw
- 8’ fiberglass step ladder
- 28’ fiberglass ext. ladder
- Aluminum ladder brace
- Several yard tools
- Misc. gas cans
- Poulan weed eater w/pole, saw attachment
- Misc. conduit
- Concrete blocks
- Lots of landscaping rocks
- Propane weed burner
- Archery target
- Lots of misc. power tools (Milwaukee, Skil, Craftsman, etc.)
- Chain saw
- 4 sheets T111 siding
- Delta 10” chop saw
- Weller soldering gun
- Dremel tool
- Nut & bolt bins
- Martin house
- 3’ ext. door w/built in binds
- Metal tool cabinet
- Several misc. rubber boots
- Little giant ladder
- 26 sheets of 29-gauge galvalume shop metal, 21’ long w/screws & trim
- 1943 old wooden army box
- Kenmore side by side frig/freezer
- Kenmore dishwasher
- Sharp counter top microwave
- Frigidaire upright freezer
- LG frontload washer/dryer w/pedestals, great shape
- Misc. wall cabinets
- Wine glass set
- Mall 0740 tea pot
- Lots of new canning jars
- Lots of misc. glassware & dishes, Tupperware, etc.
- Corner computer desk
- 2 twin beds w/head & foot boards
- Dresser
- Sanyo 26” flatscreen
- Several misc. wooden chairs
- Antique cream can
- Several bicycles
- Antique Maytag washing machine
- Misc. coolers
- Hose reel
- Misc. baskets
- Several metal folding chairs
- Old wooden keg
- Old wooden rocking chair
- Antique play pen
- Antique hockey table
- Several lamps
- Dehumidifier
- New BBQ utensil set
- Old golf clubs
- Several antique mirrors
- Misc. dolls
AUCTION TERMS: Cash/Check Accepted; Announcements made on sale day will take precedence over any other printed materials. Not responsible for accidents, lost or stolen articles on or near sale site. Large ticket items may be held until check clears.